The Athra Bodhi Show: Conversations About Unconventional & Complex Domestic Relationships
The Athra Bodhi Show is your go-to podcast about unconventional and complex domestic relationships. This podcast is based on the ”85-15 Support Group” from the book ”Confusion, Compassion, Confession: A Married Woman’s Dilemma” written by the host of this show, Athra Bodhi. The “85-15 Support Group” is a weekly meeting of women who come together to support each other through their marital dilemmas. Once a month, the women respond letters that are emailed to Athra for the group to address. Authors sign their letter with a color of the chakra system to let Athra and the group know how they are feeling. This group of women range in age from their mid-20’s to their early 60’s. This group of women provide a range of perspectives to help you navigate through the challenges you face in your romantic relationships. Each week Athra and her assistant will read a letter or two and provide responses from the women in the ”85-15”, appearances from people who have experience with the topic, responses from people outside of the group, and discussions with her assistant. Episodes are released at 5:00 am on Tuesday mornings anywhere you get your listen to your podcasts. Send an email with your own dilemmas to We will have our the ”85-15” to discuss your letter and get their response on the podcast. Remember to sign your letter with a color from the chakra system: Red (root and foundational chakra), Orange (sacral, creative & sexual energy chakra), Yellow (solar plexus, self-esteem & will-power & personal responsibility), Green (heart, governs our relationships), Blue (throat, communication), Indigo (third eye, intuition), and Violet (crown, divine connection).
4 days ago
Everybody Knew Except Me
4 days ago
4 days ago
Christie Bemis helps unpack a letter from a woman who discovered her husband is on the down low. She learns that he has been his best friend's lover since their days in college. To make matters worse, the other man's wife has been aware for years.
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Hurt Husband
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Christie Bemis of Hot Pink YOUniversity helps Athra unpack the letter from a military husband who recently discovered his wife's infidelity. You visit Christie at to join one of her groups or to order her book.
You can reach Athra at
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
The Origins of Confusion, Compassion, Confession: A Married Woman's Dilemma
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Athra gives her audience the origins of Confusion, Compassion, Confession: A Married Woman's Dilemma, the book that started the podcast. You can email Athra at if you would like to be a guest on her show or send a letter with your own situation. Use the link to order your autographed copy of the book: You can also order online at the following link: Please leave a review.
Please subscribe to our channel.
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Caught My Brother-in-Law in a Down Low Situation Part 2
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Athra continues her conversation with her consultant Calvin. A woman came home early from an out-of-town work trip and found her brother in a compromising position with another man. She wanted to know if she should tell her sister-in-law that her husband is down low. Calvin explains that intimacy orientation is not black or white; there are a lot of grey areas.
Athra and Calvin talk about the importance of Ntozake Shange's work "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow is Enuf" in dealing with relationship issues. You can reach out to Athra for spiritual guidance by emailing her at You can also get spiritual help at
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Caught My Brother-in-Law in the Act Part 1
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
A woman comes home early from a conference and catches her brother-in-law having a ssa affair in her home. She is trying to decide if she should disclose the information to his wife who has been depressed and attempted suicide due to his affairs.
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Texting His Ex-Wife
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
A wife prepares to move her husband out of the house after reading text messages to his ex-wife. The husband complains that his current wife is too ambitious and wants too much. He says to the ex-wife, who cheated with his cousin, that he wish he had tried harder in their marriage. He tells his current wife that he only said those things to her because she had been left by her third husband. The wife is questioning whether or not she should remain in the marriage.
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Newly Wed Disclosure Day
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Terrance Randolph, a NAMI employee, guests on today's show. A newly wedded woman suggested a "Disclosure Day" to her husband. He revealed childhood vulnerabilities that made him the man he is today. She disclosed to him the things she did to financially survive before their marriage. Now, the husband is questioning whether or not he can remain married to his wife. Is it her past or her present that is causing the husband to question his commitment to his wife?
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Should I Trust Him?
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
James "JT" Thompson, poet and co-founder of Big Woo Radio, is a guest on the show. He is the author of "Eula's Grand Mae's Son".
A woman has been contacted twice on social media by the same woman. The woman has informed her she has been involved with her husband since before their marriage.
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Feelings of Loss Again
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Author Chevel Nelson, author of "My Gay Ain't Happy" is a guest on the show. You can find Chevel's book on Amazon by using the following link:
You can follow Chevel on Instagram: @ChevelNelsonAuthor; Facebook: Chevel Nelson Author; TikTok: @chevelnelsonauthor. Visit her website at You can email her at
Get your autographed copy of Confusion, Compassion, Confession: A Married Woman's Dilemma at Paperback: or Hardcover:
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Concerned He Might Be SSA
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
A young woman is concerned her husband might be ssa because he takes great care of her since her pregnancy. Another woman finds out her husband's poor bedroom performance is because he has four lovers.

The Book That Started It All
Adriana has been married almost seventeen years to Gavin, the perfect man for her. He loved her beyond the pain of her childhood and past relationships; he had given her all she dreamed of in a marriage. Cilicia, Adriana’s best friend, enters Adriana’s sanctuary and disturbs her peace when she reveals her suspicions of their husbands’ infidelity, including the possibility of sex with each other.
Cilicia’s allegations cause Adriana to question her husband and their marriage. Adriana’s experience in her marriage, including her sex life, does not match Cilicia’s accusations. Adriana begins to revisit her past to help her understand how Cilicia’s allegations could be true. That past includes domestic violence when she witnessed mistakenly witness Jamie, her ex-boyfriend, having sex with a man. The violence from that encounter influences how she approaches her dilemma with Gavin.
Cilicia’s bombardment of Adriana’s life with her allegations threatens their friendship and Adriana’s friendship with other people. Cilicia draws Sheraton, the wife of her husband’s business partner, into the drama.
Meanwhile, Cilicia had been struggling in her own marriage for years. Justus’s substance abuse, domestic violence, attraction to men, and refusal to have sex with Cilicia have been issues in their marriage for years. However, Cilicia’s Christian upbringing does not allow her to give up on something so sacred; therefore, she begins to fight for her marriage. Her fight leads her down a dark path and at the brink of death. Adriana fears Cilicia will become a “Lady Lazarus” like her favorite poet.
Cilicia struggles when she learns that people inside her friend circle do not live in traditional marriages. She reflects on her own childhood as memories of her parents’ marriage begin to resurface. Does she want to make the same choices as her mother? How would making those choices impact her daughter’s life?
Adriana reconnects with Athra, a friend from her past who has entered the ministry. Athra helps Adriana and Cilicia work through their martial dilemma and save their friendship. She opens their eyes to another interpretation of verses in the Holy Bible that deal with human sexuality and marriage. Adriana learns about the Kinsey Scale and begins to question her own sexuality.
Athra’s 85-15 Support Group introduces Adriana and Cilicia to a network of women who have encountered similar dilemmas. These women meet to help encourage each other to work through issues in their marriage that the church does not traditionally address, sex. They have come to understand that they have options within their marriages and that the rainbow is enough, even when they have considered suicide. But what exactly does the rainbow represent, and how can it be enough when it seems like there is nothing to hold on to?